International Childhood Cancer Day - A day of Resilience & Courage

February 15 is International Childhood Cancer Day, which is a day devoted to honoring the resilience & courage of children and their families facing cancer. Today, we have the honor of sharing a bit about the Kalinga healing rituals with this video.

Kalinga are known for their bravery and resilience and this is why we, together with our indigenous partners, decided to gift children with cancer the Kalinga Healing Bandanas last October 2018. Philippine Indigenous weaving communities traditionally perform rituals & prayers as they begin and end their weaving. The weaves are their expression for the complexities & blessings of life. Beads and plants, on the other hand, are used with intent (in rituals, not just adornment), such as healing or blessing, like other traditions throughout the world. In Buddhist traditions and Catholic traditions, for example, beads and incense are used in prayer and meditation.

Become a sponsor and support the livelihood of Philippine indigenous communities while battling cancer. By purchasing a Yakan Prosperity Bandana or Kalinga Healing Bandana for yourself, a child with cancer is gifted a healing bandana and a portion of sales will go towards the Cancer Warriors Foundation's initiative for the treatment and education of children with cancer and our indigenous partners who created these weaves.

PHILIPPINE RESIDENTS: Go to to sign-up and take advantage of FREE NATIONWIDE SHIPPING.

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